Accessory to BCX Ultra Deluxe
Facial Rejuvenation Cosmetic Electrotherapy
2-HP-LEDS & wands $585.00
Facial Rejuvenation Cosmetic Electrotherapy, High Powered LED and Frequency System
The BCX Ultra delivers beautiful, professional results for facial rejuvenation employing a three pronged approach which includes the use of microcurrent, LED’s and frequencies.
Designed to regenerate skin, the BCX Ultra also offers rejuvenation to skin damaged by sunburn, acne, stretch marks, cellulite and even scarring. After several treatments, you will notice improvements in:
- Facial circulation
- Skin exfoliation
- Lymphatic drainage
- Product penetration
- Smoother skin with a more youthful appearance
- Improve sun damaged skin and skin pigmentation
- Increase the cell health of facial skin and underlying tissues
Cosmetic Electrotherapy & Microcurrent
Cosmetic electrotherapy, which dates back to the late 19th century, has been extensively researched and accepted in its field. It is a beauty treatment that employs low electric currents, or microcurrents, which are passed through the skin to produce several age defying benefits, known commonly as a “non-surgical facelift”.
The microcurrent is delivered through hand-held electrodes that are applied directly to the face and neck. These small, lightweight electrodes produce skin sensations that are barely perceptible, offering comfort and ease of application. Experts agree that the underuse of certain facial muscles causes our skin to sag over time. The electric currents trigger these muscles to fire thereby increasing muscle tone and tightening up the face.
The microcurrent wands are attached to the BCX Ultra Deluxe base unit and used on the face or areas where you are wanting improvement. The BCX Ultra works to augment the skin rejuvenating effects of the microcurrents and combines it with high powered LED’s.
Microcurrent technology has been approved by the United States F.D.A. It has been in use for more than a quarter of a century, the healing power of these light emitting diodes have been discovered to penetrate about one inch into soft tissue and even travel through the body’s meridian channels similar to a fiber optic.
The high powered LED lights are compact and light weight. They emit a near-infrared light which is perfect for increasing energy inside cells and accelerating healing.
Our units are available in two different therapeutic colors which promote an array of skin enhancing qualities. Exclusively created for the BCX Ultra and uniquely designed, these light emitting diodes improve facial contour, tone, and the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles after only a few treatments.
Red: The anti-aging Red LED boosts collagen production resulting in skin plumping and recontouring of facial features and promotes the following:
- Diminished wrinkles
- Increased collagen and elastin production
- Smoother skin
- Rejuvenation of skin tone
- Reduction in redness
Blue: The High Powered Blue LED is extremely effective in destroying the acne bacteria that can lead to break outs. After several treatments, there will be a dramatic improvement in the quality of skin as this blue LED will:
- Clears blemishes and acne
- Reduces pore size
- Prevent future break outs
- Promote clearer skin
The flagship of our unique, innovative technology is the concurrent application of almost limitless, programmable frequencies that run through our unique accessories, the hand held microcurrent electrodes and the high powered LED’s. Frequencies, well-researched and proven to be efficacious for a myriad of disorders are drawn from the extensive body of scientific research in electro medicine. The benefits of frequencies have been proven effective and perfectly safe for thousands of disorders over nearly a century.
Unlike any other device on the market, the BCX Ultra is world renowned for its capabilities in unparalleled frequency output range, 1 Hz to 4 million Hz, frequency clarity and accuracy, and frequency power. Superior results require superior technology. Only the BCX delivers unparalleled quality for non-invasive cosmetic facial rejuvenation and full spectrum facial toning.
For the BCX Ultra Deluxe
Your BCX Ultra Deluxe comes with the following:
Plasma or Ray Tubes
Standard Electrode Handheld Cylinders
Metal Foot Plates
Gel Pads
These Accessories are designed for use with the BCX Ultra Deluxe base unit
Frequency Generator Advanced Accessories
These accessories require the BCX ULTRA Basic Unit to function.
They WILL NOT work with the BCX ULTRA Lite or on their own.

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy Mat (PEMF)
Bio Electric Pulser w/ PEMF Body Mat Concentrator and Controller
Cost: $1120.00

4MHz Plasma Beam Tube
BT-HFPCM2 High Frequency-1Hz to 4MHz
Cost: $2,995.00

Ultra High Power LED Wands
- Model HW530A (Green) Wavelength 530 nm Intensity 435 Lumens
- Model HW626A (Red) Wavelength 626 nm Intensity 255 Lumens
- Model HW470A (Blue) Wavelength 470 nm Intensity 174 Lumens
Cost $ 262.00 Each Color

Standard LED Wand
Wavelength for colored LED’s ranges from long (infrared), to short (ultraviolet). White is a mixture of colors centered around a middle (color temperature).
Cost: $90.00 Each Color

Microcurrent Garment Set
BCX Ultra Microcurrent Accessories delivers professional results for your body’s different tissue type have their own signature electrical frequencies, which can be disrupted by diseases or injuries.
Cost $ 250.00 Set

Facial Rejuvenation Cosmetic Electrotherapy
High Powered LED and Frequency System
2-HP-LEDS & wands $585.00